N-Ewes from Hopeful Shetlands

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Good Time in St. Catherine's

I am back from a great show in St. Catherine's and my new rovings are fantastic. Many thanks to the staff at Edy's Mills who do a great job processing my wool. The wool and silk blends were a hit and I will have to do some more next year. Pictured are Smudgy, My shetland cross ram, and Crusher, a shetland ram with a great fleece. To all those who purchased my rovings, many thanks

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Yearling Rams

Here are photos of two rams that I have for sale. Both were born last May. The fawn katmoget ram is Hopeful Russell and his sire was Great Plains Baxter and his dam was Hopeful Butterscotch. The grey katmoget ram is Hopeful Sparky and has the same sire as Russell and his dam was Hopeful Jilly. Both have nice temperments and even crimpy , soft fleeces.