N-Ewes from Hopeful Shetlands

Monday, November 09, 2009

Spring weather?

It was so warm this morning that all the ducks thought that they would take a swim in the pool. They looked so cute paddling around on the pool cover and sunning themselves on the side. Ducks never fail to amaze me. They are one animal that can splash around in a mud puddle and come out clean. I had the wool socks out on the line today. My husband has taken to knitting socks on a circular sock knitter and is getting very good at it. I have several new pairs of socks for winter and he has some nice ones for doing chores. This coming Sunday myself and five others from our spinning and knitting group will be competing at the Royal Winter Fair in the sheep to shawl competition. It should be loads of fun. The wool auction follows and as all spinners know, one can never have too much wool. Right?