Monday, March 28, 2011
I was surprised to find that a couple of my shetland/BFL ewes lambed over the weekend, however pleasantly surprised. I wasn't expecting any from them for another couple of weeks, but I should know by now that they just don't show how pregnant that they truly are. My first ewe delivered twin boys. However another unbred ewe stole one of them and there was no way he was going to go back with his real mom, so I sold him to a nice family who has the time to bottle feed. The next morning one of my favourite girls delivered a ewe and ram lamb. All have gulmoget markings like their sire and are healthy and well built. My shetlands should start coming any time now as well. I love this time of year. Enjoy the snaps.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Hubby's New Hobby
I guess my husband figured he might as well get involved with fibre as it didn't look like the wool side of life was leaving anytime soon. We purchased an antique sock knitter on ebay several years back, but all the instructions were in french. I had enough french from high school to translate most of it, but after setting it up and knitting a sock or two, we realized we were missing a step so we put it away. I took Gil to the Michigan Fibre Fest one year and the ladies there were able to teach him how to set up the machine and knit on it and he has been busy with it ever since. He is a tool and dye maker by trade, so he also repairs machines and now gives lessons as well. I guess he figured if you can't beat the fibre, you might as well join in. I don't get any comp;laints about how much wool I have either because his stash is larger than mine.
Monday, March 14, 2011
When Will it All End
Just when you think it couldn't possibley snow or rain anymore it has. We had a few very wet and rainy days, only to have a blizzard of a snowstorm right after to cover up all the mud and water. Everything has frozen and turned to ice under the snow and of course it is just going to melt all over again. March has certainly roared in like a lion and I can't wait until the lamb appears. The kids are on March break this week and it looks as if they will have some decent weather and puddles to splash in. I was taking my granddaughter home the other night and I don't think she missed stepping in one puddle. To be a kid again and not to care about getting wet. Kids have a way of reminding you to just have fun and I let her splash through each and every puddle. Have a good day.
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Sunny Day
It was a nice warm sunny day and the girls have been getting a bit tired of having to be in the barn, so I let them our for some playtime today. Nick and Kayla, especially Kayla, get pretty bored without their sheep to care for. They have been barking at the local dogs and chasing Goz around a bit, but that doesn't occupy all their time. Our paddock faces due south and is sheltered, so it was warm enough for all my freshly shorn sheep to go out for a snack and a stretch. The smell of spring is in the air: only the temperature needs to catch up. enjoy the pics.